Saturday, July 4, 2009

I came across this site tonight when Things Moms Like linked to it on her facebook. I clicked on it mostly because I wanted to know what this site was that shared the name of my third child. It's not a name you hear very often anymore, and it made me laugh. I wasn't expecting to find something I would actually use.

Just the other day I was saying I wish there was a place that you could call and they would deliver your groceries, like back in the day. I HATE grocery shopping and I HATE loading it in the car and I HATE putting everything away once it's home. Drives me crazy, but it's one of those things that must be done so you don't think about it too much. At you can shop for your non-perishable household items and they will ship to you FREE! It doesn't matter how much you get it is always free shipping. Now if you run out of toilet paper while you're on it, then it's probably not the best place to buy more. If you notice that you're getting low on toothpaste, you can log on, buy some, and it will be in your mailbox in a few days. How cool is that? I am going to make my first order tonight, so I will be back to review the service. If you want to sign up just click the icon at the top and have a look around. Seems pretty awesome to me.

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