Wednesday, November 5, 2008

random evening thoughts

We have been doing laundry at the laundry mat on the corner of our block for the last couple of weeks. They have free drying on Thursdays so we take everything and wash for about $6 in one of those huge washers and dry everything for free. It has been actually kinda fun. We both sit quietly for a little while. I knit, he reads sports illustrated. Then we dry and I fold and we just spend time together. I love my children dearly, but I love spending time with just Jake, even if it's at the laundry mat. I don't think it matters, as long as we find the time to spend together. He doesn't have to help me... in fact he doesn't really. I won't let him fold. I mean I have never seen anyone fold worse than that boy. It's been kinda fun for a boring 'ol chore. I am kinda looking forward to free dry tomorrow. Plus we are low on clean towels, so that will be good too. :)

We have decided to name the baby Lucilla, pronouced Lu-see-ah. We will most likely call her Luci for short. Since there is an "i" in the long version I like the luci better with an "i" instead of Lucy. Maybe I am just too set on being different. I have thought we'd go with Janelle as the middle name, but I think now I like Julianne with Lucilla. We haven't set that in stone. Lisa told me tonight that her grandma's name was Lucy, so we picked a family name without even trying. Pretty cool I think. I will be 27 weeks tomorrow. I know these last few weeks are just going to fly by, I really need to start thinking about what we have, and what, if anything, we will need to gather up. I would also REALLY like to get the dryer fixed because I would love to get both Alice back into and Luci (when she gets here) in cloth and I can't do that if the diapers are collecting icicles drying on the line in the snow. I am nervous about having a really winter baby. I don't know why really. I have never thought much about leaving the house with my newborn, but she's going to be born in flu season and people are going to want to touch her. The horrors! Prepare for me to be psycho mom I think. Hand sanitizer at the door, no snotty nosed visitors allowed.

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