Sunday, September 21, 2008

In the wee small hours of the morning...

Our house got broken into last night. Jake's xbox, mp3 player and our little radio got taken. The guy was working on our flatscreen when I came downstairs and caught him. Thank goodness he set it down and ran out the back door. Scared me to death. Jacob slept on the couch through the whole thing! I still feel sick about it, but at least we are all ok and he didn't hurt me or something when I came down. I don't think he expected anyone to be awake at 4am. Simeon was sick and woke me up for the millionth time. I needed some water and so I came down to get some. I guess I got more than I bargained for. Yikes.

1 comment:

Hubs said...

Geez, I am sorry to hear about that. I was hoping Jacob's facebook status was referring to some other kind of "getting robbed" like his favorite team or something. I am glad you guys are all okay.